Sunday, December 7, 2008

Voting Starts on 12/8/08

The Atlanta Pride Committee wants feedback, so take a moment to vote on the theme for 2009 Atlanta Pride Festival. As seen above, your options:
Stonewall to Atlanta: Our Story Continues
Become The Impact
Pride Begins With You

I am casting my vote for Become The Impact because it is versatile (no jokes from the peanut gallery).

Become The Impact can be political-- write your elected officials, so they know how you feel about the issue. Or, simply make an impact by voting. It can be non-political--- Become the Impact by volunteering or making a donation to a nonprofit. Become the Impact by simply coming out to someone who has been in the dark about your sexual orientation. Become The Impact by recycling and/or buying green friendly products.

There so many ways we can Become The Impact.

Tomorrow, visit to vote!

****UPDATE-- Change in voting-- it will begin on 12/10/08.****

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