Another year older....
Since my 21st birthday, I have used my birthday as a way to benefit and raise awareness for an organization. I am happy to say previous organizations include Project Open Hand as well as Grass Roots Institute. This year I am proud to announce that I am trying to raise funds and awareness for Limp Wrist and our scholarship. Anyone wanting to show a little birthday love, feel free to make a tax deductible donation of $5 or more to Limp Wrist. Click here to donate.
If you donate you can win....
If you donate $5 or more between now and 2/28/09, you could win a number of autographed items. Some of the items include a limited broadside of a poem by Mark Doty, books by Sandra Beasley, Marilyn Nelson, Cecilia Woloch, and more.
Check out the items HERE. The breakdown:
1 Chance = $5
3 Chances = $10
5 Chances = $20
10 Chances = $45
A donation of $200 or more will allow you to pick three items.
Dolly "Dusty" Parton.....
If I raise $1,000 by 2/28/09, I am going to create a Youtube of me doing Dolly drag. Silence to the peanut gallery-- even though I am crazy for Dolly, I don't spend my weekends in Dolly drag. So shhhhh Chris, Sissy, and Maxton.
I will donate one of my small paintings and you can raffle it off if you like. I also have a large scale of a nude poet but it would cost me an arm to donate because of the shipping so a small portrait is what I can afford to donate to your cause if you are interested.
WOW! Yes, I am very interested! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
I'll send you an email.
You are so awesome, Dustin. When I forget how good people can be, remind me to check in with you and your example.
Awwww... Thanks Dana!
(The sex shop reminds you to check back in next week.)
HI Dustin. I'll see you in person in one-to-two more weeks(I'm still healing-up, after surgery, hon). And I'll defitely put some $$ in for your "Limp Wrist".
Hi, there. I heard about your auction through Matthew Hittinger's e-letter. Would you be interested in a signed copy of my novel THE HA-HA? It's a not very gay book by a gay author, but if you'd like a copy for the raffle I'll drop one in the mail. Reach me at davekingwriter@gmail.com.
All best,
Dude, did I miss out on this--or is it still going on?
Day-late-but-not-dollar-short Denise
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