Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Brief Overview of Poetry Night

I think the poetry evening at Outwrite was a success! It was great to see all of the usuals: Collin, Lisa, and Rupert. Franklin Abbott hosted and started off the reading. Then he introduced me-- I started off with three villanelles then read a mix of old and new work. I debuted four new poems and two of the new were brand spanking new. The brand spanking new poems were "Building 412 (1/1/04)" and "The Georgia Baptist Convention Requests a Day of Rain Prayer on 11/4/07." "Building 412 (1/1/04)" is inspired by the AJC's series A HIDDEN SHAME: Death in Georgia's Mental Hospitals, and I am currently working and mapping out other poems on the series. The other new poems were "Wreckage" and "Ivory"... both come from the last section of my chapbook DISORDERS.

Karen Head was absolutely amazing. I loved all of her work, and I am hoping she will submit to Limpwrist because I would be honored to include her in the first issue. Karen read a poem about a breast cancer survivor; I think I'll ask if I can post it in blog. The poem was moving in many ways, but it made me think of two friends who have battled breast cancer. She closed her reading with a dream poem, and in the dream Dolly Parton is her aunt. I was giddy. I plan to ask Karen if I can reprint it in Limpwrist.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Remember, support Outwrite because Outwrite supports its community and audience.


Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Dustin---darn--I should've mentioned your "Georgia Mental Hospitals" poems,at My Blog... The impetus you expressed in wanting to write about that made an impression on me, yet I somehow failed to mention it!
DO check over at My Blog,though, as I discussed the Outwrite Reading, and also posted the pic I shot of ya'll....
I also e-mailed the pic to Collin, figuring he'd like it at his Blog....

Dustin Brookshire said...

Lisa--it was great seeing you last night! You were lovely as always.

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Hi Dustin....Thanks; I always feel like a "boy" when I wear pants!I need yo' e-mail...